1. FAQ

Who may join the club?

Individuals 18 and older are eligible for individual or family membership.  Junior membership is open for those between 10 and 18. 

Voting membership is open to anyone 18 and older in good standing with the American Kennel Club (meaning you don't have a current AKC disciplinary action in force) and who agrees to abide by the constitution and bylaws of PVSC, the American Kennel Club and the Samoyed Club of America, and the PVSC Breeder's Code.  Non-voting membership is open to those between 10 and 18. 

How much are the dues?

$20 per year for an individual; $25 per year for family membership and $6.00 per year for juniors. 

Do I need to own a Samoyed?

No, you do not.

When and where are meetings held?

Club meetings are held about seven times a year in the homes of members.  As we are a regional club serving Maryland, DC, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia, we try to alternate meeting sites so no member has to travel a long distance every time.

Other than club meetings, what else does the club do?

We participate in Strut Your Mutt in Bethesda every spring, providing information about the breed and its care to current and prospective Sammy owners.

We have frequent hikes with our dogs in the District, on the C & O Canal path, and other beautiful and interesting places around the DC area.  Special hikes include a Cherry Blossom walk in the spring and a walk on the mall during the Christmas season.

We have a very active knitting group that uses yarn made from Samoyed hair to make beautiful items for trophies and for sale. Anyone who loves to knit is welcome to join them for a fun afternoon of knitting and socialization.

Each year we produce and sell a calendar made up of photographs of many of our members’ dogs.

We run two specialty (all Sammy) shows each year in conjunction with area all breed dog shows.  The advantage of these shows is that the entry is very large (sometimes up to 100 Samoyeds), thereby guaranteeing major points for wins and a chance to see lots of Samoyeds and meet their owners--particularly easy because after the show we have a gathering with food, open to all. 

We have supported entries at other area kennel clubs.  Supported entries mean that our club supports them by entering, offering trophies, special ribbons and the like. These don't get as many entries as our specialties, but still attract a larger number of entries than a regular show does. 

Through our information officers we let those seeking puppies know of planned or available litters of club members who have bred following the club's breeders code. 

Through our information officers we provide assistance and information about the breed. 
And we have fun. Meetings don't have to be dull and formal, you know. We have a year-end party and knick-knack auction. We have a summer picnic meeting and bring our dogs to join the fun.

How do I get to be a member? What are the steps in the membership process?

Begin by requesting a membership application from our Corresponding Secretary, Anne MacArthur. Return the completed application to her (including the endorsement of two club members) with the dues payment for the current year. If you want to learn more about us before deciding to turn in the form you are welcome to attend meetings to get to know us. 

At the next meeting following the receipt of your form, your application will be read. 

After you have attended two meetings as a guest, your application will be voted upon.

Where can I learn more about Samoyeds?

Go to our links page. This will take you to many Sammy sites, and each has its own set of links. You'll be able to get detailed information and also have the chance to visit Samoyed kennels internationally. Have fun exploring. 

Come to one of our meetings (our information officers will have the dates) and talk with us.

Where can I get more personalized information?

Contact one of our information officers by e-mail to get their phone number. 

And thanks for asking--our club is here to assist in any way we can.


AKC-licensed Specialty Club

© 2011 Potomac Valley Samoyed Club, Inc.

Samoyed Club of America Member